Add TLS 1.2 to IIS 7.5

After about March of 2020, if you were using IIS 7.5 web server, and you needed to provide content secured by HTTPS, you discovered that SSL was no longer supported by contemporary browsers. They were demanding a connection secured by TLS 1.2, before displaying any web content. On the bright side, TLS 1.2 was built… Continue reading Add TLS 1.2 to IIS 7.5

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Testing URL ReWrite .htaccess or web.config

There are at least two methods to test if URL ReWrite is functioning: Are pretty permalinks working? Break .htaccess or web.config to determine if the web server is processing URL ReWrite. Interestingly, IIS and Apache are subject to the same “break” and both respond with server errors if rewrite is broken. IIS web.config Add some… Continue reading Testing URL ReWrite .htaccess or web.config

Protecting Files/Folders, Deny Web Server, Allow PHP

We would like to provide an extra level of security for files and folders that we can’t move outside the web server document root. A common scenario with shared web hosting is that IIS or Apache and PHP run under the same user account. We can give this additional security by leveraging the difference effect… Continue reading Protecting Files/Folders, Deny Web Server, Allow PHP